A weekend in Berea Kentucky

A couple weekends ago my boyfriend and I planned a trip to Williamsburg to see Cumberland falls and then to Berea to check out their art community.

We haven’t really had a vacation since many months pre covid so we really were ready to get out of our apartment and see some things (safely of course.)

Our first stop was Cumberland falls. If you haven’t been it’s a giant waterfall located near the Kentucky Tennessee border. It’s one of the only places you can see something called a Moonbow- where the moon creates a reflection that looks like a rainbow. It happens a couple times a month but we happened to be there a week prior. Whoops :).

Cumberland Falls

There are a couple places for you to get a good look at the falls. So if one is too crowded, keep walking back. I chose not to bring a camera with me on this trip and I probably should have because the falls were lovely!

The next day we woke up early and headed to Berea! I was super excited about this one. I love seeing people make things and checking out a good tiny shop. We started out in a super cute little fabric shop where the lady there taught me a little bit about how quilts are finished. Then we headed around town to several other little shops where I picked up several cute little things for the apartment.

Brea is such a cute little place and has a super awesome college program there.

Berea Kentucky

For lunch we stopped at Papaleno’s. If you know me well, you know I love a good pizza and I’m always on the hunt for a good slice. This places it totally worth stopping in and checking out.


If you’re looking for an easy weekend trip, this may be the perfect one for you! Personally I’d say you could skip the falls and just hang out in Berea the whole weekend. There is so many fun places to look around in.


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